As we commemorate nearly 30 years of Sunday Worship Services, the Lord’s grace and goodness have never been more obvious, and we watch in gratitude as He allows us the opportunity to help meet the needs of those who come though our doors hungry to learn His Word. Growing ministries such as the Youth Groups Calvary Kids Club, the Seniors Fellowship, and 2 major annual conferences all provide an opportunity to disciple and minister to all ages. And so with the growth, the need for more space again becomes a priority. After the last guest had been sent home well-fed from our 2001 Great Lakes Pastors’ Conference, we broke ground for a building renovation that would further erase any evidence of our humble ‘disco’ beginnings. With the city’s approval to nestle as close as possible to the neighboring building, we sought the Lord for direction as to how best meet that need while being good stewards of the building He had already blessed us with many years ago.
The sanctuary became the focal point of a beautiful renovation that includes increased seating, a vaulted ceiling, a larger stage area, and a Welcome Center designed to provide additional space for an information booth, fellowship room to ease the crowding in the fellowship hall, and an open expanse to accommodate our growing regional Conferences.
Designing a ‘wall of separation’ between the old and the new, we were able to continue our Sunday Services in the existing sanctuary without interruption all summer long as the construction continued on schedule behind the scenes. Using the generous resources of time and energy provided by our church family, we opened the doors for the 2001 Great Lakes Prophecy Conference in early September 2001 to let the last city inspector out and the first of our guests in to our new surroundings.