Calvary Chapel Appleton’s Online Giving is available via our website on your computer browser, smartphone or tablet.

How It Works

Step 1 – Sign Up / Sign In

To create an account, you will be asked to enter some basic personal information such as your name, phone number, address etc. (First time only. After your first visit you will simply sign into your account.) All of this information will be securely stored and will not be used for any other purposes. The next time you log in, your username will be your phone number with area code, and you will use the password you set when you created your account.
You may also choose to make a one-time gift without an account, but you will still need to enter your name and phone number, along with your card information.

Step 2 – Amount and Frequency

Determine the amount of your gift and whether you will be making a one-time gift or a recurring gift. Your recurring gift may be adjusted or canceled in the future if you wish.
At this point you may also choose to include a message with your gift.

Step 3 – Method of Payment / Scheduling

Here you can set up a recurring giving schedule that allows a set amount to be automatically given on the schedule of your choice. Next, select your method of payment. Select debit or credit, and enter your card information. If you choose, this information may be saved for future use.

For security purposes, be sure to log out of your account after your transaction is complete.

Thank you for your gift, which is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law, and will be included on your year-end giving statement from Calvary Chapel Appleton.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why Should I Give Online?

Online giving will benefit anyone who is looking for a simpler way to ensure that their giving is consistent. This is simply an opportunity to meet the needs of those who prefer to manage their giving online versus writing a check. It may be used to give to the ministry of Calvary Chapel Appleton on either a one-time or a recurring basis.

Is Online Giving Safe?

Security is a top priority. SecureGive, our online giving provider, uses comprehensive security features to ensure the safety of sensitive data. Their software is validated to meet PCI requirements for safe data storage and transmission.

Can I Cancel Or Change  My Online Giving Arrangement?

You can manage your online giving schedule 24/7 by logging into your account and making the necessary changes. You can also view your full giving history.

What are the Benefits Of Online Giving?

You can prioritize giving in your budget. Online giving may make it easier for those individuals that are familiar with online banking and bill paying to continue this mode of financial management when considering how best to donate to the church. We want to encourage you to use the method that is most comfortable for you.